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irregular movement中文是什么意思

用"irregular movement"造句"irregular movement"怎么读"irregular movement" in a sentence


  • 不规则运动
  • 不均匀运动
  • 不正常变动


  • She had an undulating , but , oftentimes , a sharp and irregular movement
  • Chaos is a kind of seeming random , chance or irregular movement , which appears in a definiteness system
  • Chaos is a kind of seemingly random , chance or irregular movement , which appears in a definiteness system . it is a property token of non - linear system
  • In order to improve the control performance of converters , it is significant and helpful to further analyze the intrinsic irregular movement in dc / dc converters under the guidance of nonlinear dynamics theory
    利用非线性动力学理论对dc dc变换器中固有的不规则运动进行深入的分析,这对提高变换器的控制性能具有重要的意义。
  • Chaos is a kind of seemingly random , chance or irregular movement , which appears in a definiteness system . based on buck converters , this paper has studied and simulated deeply in the aspect of operation procession , discrete - time modeling , and bifurcation discussion of converters
    本文以基本dc / dc变换器( buck变换器)为对象,从变换器工作过程,离散建模,混沌分析等几个方面,进行了深入的理论研究和模拟仿真,并对混沌的应用和混沌控制方面做了一定研究。
  • In the course of probing the regularity of safety and accidentds , the internal relationship between safety - accident and accident prevention and control is discovered , which is used as a basis for identifying the principle of accident prevention and control , which can be used to make man and substances move regularly in a production system and to change the irregular movement , thus preventing and controlling accidents effectively and essencially
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